
lily's website

[A pair of cute little bean plushies of Susato and Ryuunosuke, with hearts between them.]


a page for the projects I am currently doing

  • turnabout blackout

    an ace attorney casefic

    nowhere near complete

    a murder in 90 seconds on a train

    i have Plans for like a whole universe but i just can't focus

  • rain

    a programming language

    really just a test of my skills

completed projects


none so far 😅

smaller projects

  • epub reader

    i'd like to host an epub reader here on nsusato

    i have an epub document for which the source has been lost - i like it and i'd like the chance to show it off

  • fix gmod susato's arms

    there is a gmod playermodel / ragdoll thing on the gmod workshop of susato here

    as evidenced by the front page of this website, i love susato with every inch of my heart, so i instantly downloaded it, but i noticed a problem with it

    namely: the arm flappy sleeve thingies dont flap down with the gravity

    i would inform the creator, but i have crippling social anxiety, so i was just going to fix it myself. i started my computer, de-archived the addon, looked at the filetype, checked out what i would need, then noticed it was like midnight and i needed to go to bed

    then i got distracted and never came back to it

    i still want to do it though so the project lives here now

completed smaller projects

again, none so far

my excuse is that i keep getting distracted

maybe i'll write something up on that problem of mine at some point

minor projects

as in, so minor it wasnt a project until i'd completed it

by the very nature of these, there won't be any, because if i have enough time to put it up here, then it obviously isn't that minor

completed minor projects

  • oneko

    if i do a post-completion writeup, it'll be here

    most of the info for it is on the front page (@ jan 1 2024)